20CC-40CC RC Gas Planes
Brand: CYModel Model: Beaver 86.6in
Beaver 86.6in RC Plane Wingspan: 2200 mm (86.6 in) Wingarea: 50.2 dm2 (778.3 sq.in) Length: 1500 mm (59.1 in) Engine: 2C 1.20-1.60 cu.in or 26-35cc gas engine Radio: 4 Channles;5 Servos Empty weight: kg Take off weight: ..
Brand: CYModel Model: Cessna 195 90in
Cessna 195 90in RC Plane Model ARTF Wingspan: 2285 mm (90 in) Wingarea: 72.2 dm2 (1120 sq.in) Length: 1800 mm (70.8 in) Engine: 26-35 gas engine Radio: 5 Channles;8 Servos Empty weight: 4.7 kg Take off weight: 8.5 kg..
Model: EXTRA 330SC 20CC 65''
EXTRA 330SC 20CC version 65'' RC Plane ModelHere, we have the EXTRA 330SC 20CC version 65'' RC Plane Model EXTRA 330SC 20CC version 65'' RC Plane Model. Spares are available from us if you purchased the model from us.Description of EXTRA 330SC 20CC version 65'' RC Plane ModelWingspan:65inch/1659m..
Model: EXTRA 330SC 30CC 76''
EXTRA-330SC 30CC version Carbon Fibre RC Plane ModelHere, we have the EXTRA 330SC 30CC version Carbon Fibre RC Plane Model EXTRA-330SC 30CC version Carbon Fibre RC Plane Model. Spares are available from us if you purchased the model from us.Description of EXTRA-330SC 30CC version Carbon Fibre RC ..
Brand: CYModel Model: Fokker D XXI 86.6''
Fokker D XXI 86.6'' Two covers to choose from: Oracover or Toughlon cover. Wingspan: 2200 mm (87 in) Wingarea: 71.3 dm2 (1105 sq.in) Length: 1700 mm (67 in) Engine: 26-35 gas engine Radio: 5 Channles;7 Servos Empty weight: 4.5 kg Take off weight: ..
Model: MXSR 25% 74inc
MXSR 25% 74inc 30CC Gas RC Plane Model ARTFHere we have the MXSR 25% 74inc 30CC RC Plane Model ARTF MXSR RC Plane25% 74in 30CCWing span: 1880mm/74″Length: 1765mm/69″Wing area: 54sq.dmEngine: 28-30CCWeight: 2900-3000mmRadio: 4-6 Channels..
Model: Nemesis 74'' 35CC
Nemesis 74'' 35CC RC Plane Model Carbon Fibre ARTFHere we have the Nemesis 74'' 35CC RC Plane Model Carbon Fibre ARTFNemesis 74'' 35CC RC Plane Model Carbon Fibre ARTF. Spares are available only if you have purchased it from us.Wing span: 1880mm/74"Length: 1707mm/67.2"Wing area: 54.6sq.dmEmpty weigh..
Brand: CYModel Model: Piper Pa-20 pacer 88.6in
Piper Pa-20 pacer 88.6in Wingspan: 2250 mm (88.5 in) Wingarea: 80 dm2 (1240 sq.in) Length: 1600 mm (63 in) Engine: 26-35 gas engine Radio: 4 Channles;6 Servos Empty weight: kg Take off weight: kg Cowling size..
Model: Sbach 342 73''
Sbach 342 73'' 30CC Kit Plane ARTF Sbach 342 30CC version 73'' Plane Kit ARTF. Spares are available from us if you purchased the model from us. Specification: Wing Span: 1850mm/73in Length: 1770mm/69.5in Wing Area: 65sq.dm Engine: 30CC F..
Model: Sbach-342 20CC 65''
Sbach-342 20CC version 65'' Plane Kit ARTFHere, we have the Sbach-342 20CC version 65'' Plane Kit ARTF Sbach-342 20CC version 65'' Plane Kit ARTF. Spares are available from us if you purchased the model from us.Sbach-342 20CC version 65'' Plane Kit ARTFWingspan:65inch/1659mmLength:59.1inch/1502mm..
Brand: CYModel Model: Stinson Reliant 86.6''
Stinson Reliant 86.6 Wingspan: 2200 mm (86.6 in) Wingarea: 60 dm2 (930.2 sq.in) Length: 1550 mm (61 in) Engine: 26 gas engine Radio: 5 Channles;8 Servos Empty weight: kg Take off weight: 7.3-7.5 kg..
Model: Trainer 20CC
Trainer 20CC RC Plane Model ARTFHere we have the Trainer 20CC RC Plane Model ARTFTrainer 20CC RC Plane Model ARTF. Spares are available only if you have purchased it from us.Trainer 20CC Wing Span: 1860mm(73.2in) Wing Area: 62dm2(961sq.in) Total Length: 1550mm(61in) Engine: 2C 0.60-0.8 cu.in 4C ..